This project focuses on conceiving and designing game mechanics, optimizing gameflow experiences, and prototyping for both mobile and arcade platforms.
UX Design
Creative Director
Technical Director
3D Designer
Asteroids are headed for 66 cities across the globe and a giant galactic custodian is here to save them from impending doom. This is the premise of Space Janitor, a game concept originally conceived by B-Reel with the goal of inspiring game developers to use Google Maps Platform for Gaming.
Although the concept initially lived as a 30-second reel for GDC 2019, attendees and tech writers were eager to see the real thing, so our friends on the Google Maps Platform team asked us to bring Space Janitor to life. Before the pandemic hit, the mobile counterpart was on the way to public release.
Cutting edge technology in bitmap clothing
This single-player racing game that mixes nostalgic pixel-style gaming with the smarts of Google Maps Platform. As the sole UX designer on the team, my role was to lay the foundation for mobile and arcade user experiences, while working with our creative and development teams to conceptualize game mechanics that highlight Google Maps product capabilities.
A gameflow that encourages multi-level exploration
The game includes the geometry of 66 cities, all with differing levels difficulty. In designing the scoring experience, I created flows that show cumulative scoring system would be challenging enough to encourage competition and repeat visits, but easy enough to beat.
Visualizing moving parts
To align the vision of the developers, designers, and creatives, I created a master timeline that identified twelve critical points of gameplay. At each point, the timeline specifies the roles of visual design, 3D modeling, music, sound, and haptics.
Merchandizing the experience
Key design collaborators included James Paterson, a Montreal-based Creative Director, Animator, and Technologist, and Carver Koela, a LA-based Motion Designer.